Brainworks Sensory Diet Creator - Sensational Brain

Brainworks Sensory Diet Creator for AUTISM And SPD

Gwen Wild is the owner of Sensational Brain LLC. She is also on the faculty of Summit Professional Education and travels nationwide speaking on the topic of “Creating and Implementing Effective Sensory Diets for Children and Teens.”

As an occupational therapist, Gwen has enjoyed treating children with a wide variety of developmental disorders in a number of settings but has a special passion for working with kids with sensory processing disorders. Gwen has her very own “sensational” children and has learned firsthand the importance of having effective sensory strategies in place in the home and classroom.

Gwen developed BrainWorks in 2010 after seeing the need for visual supports for the implementation of sensory diets. BrainWorks teaches self-regulation by allowing kids to use sensory strategy picture cards to select activities to meet their sensory needs.

Brainworks Is The Premier Sensory Diet Creation Tool. Sensory Diets Are Designed Primarily For Those With Autism And Other Sensory Processing Disorders. 
